Apparently Matthew didn’t think 13 was such an unlucky number. He bunched a batch of parables in his chapter 13. Most of those parables are specifically, "The kingdom of heaven is like…”
I know Jesus didn’t talk in chapters, Matthew was the one who thought… "
Hey, let’s put all the cool stories here together!"
Maybe he thought we’d pay more attention that way.
It was a good idea, but I am not sure it worked.
After the final anecdote Jesus asked his guys, “Did you catch all that?” A rousing chorus of “Amen!” rang from their lips. This time, Peter was not dumb enough to say “no”.
Then, Jesus made a remark that grabbed me. He did not say “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” But what he did say, caught my blue eye.
“Therefore, every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” [13.52]
Smart scribes have some old stuff, and some new stuff.
Maybe I am being unduly swayed because I know Matty was writing very directly to his fellow Jews. But it occurs to me he is announcing to the house of Israel…
Build upon the solid base you already have, but open up your understanding to see that there is a whole new mystery coming down the pike—God in us, the hope of glory!
Something old, and something new.
Nothing whatsoever to be blue about.