Bouncing back to Ps 74, just a reminder of when we were last there, the “other” Asaph was feeling like God’s anger had been smoking against Israel long enough and it was time for Him to dole out some mercy.
This morning I am looking at how Asaph sees the different players.
He sees God’s people as having been cast out (v 1), and laments the fact the they have no prophet or seer (9) who can guide them, or give them a hint when things might bet better.
He accuses the enemies (the Babylonians, we suppose) as acting like lumberjacks (5) who, instead of chopping down trees, chopped up everything beautiful in God’s sanctuary. They’re arsonists (7)—burning the place down, they are profaners (7) and scoffers three times over (10, 18, 22).
Asaph sees God fuming (1) as I mentioned, and he can’t help but notice that God’s right hand is folded into His garment (11) when he (Asaph) has the opinion that God ought to get it out of there and point a powerful punishing finger on the enemies of His people. Asaph wants God to remember (2) His people.
So it’s a sad scene, Asaph is losing hope that it will ever end… but then he suddenly does what he wanted God to do—he remembers.
He remembers Who God is, and what He has done. He made a list:
God is my king and He’s been around forever
He’s been working salvation on planet Earth
He divided the sea
And busted up sea creatures
He turned Leviathan into food for wild beasts
He made springs and brooks burst forth with water
And other waters He dried up
He made day, He made night
He put the sun and stars in the sky
He put shorelines along the land masses
And invented summer and winter
Ah, yes, Marcos remembers, when my problems seem endless and overwhelming, I need only remember… He is.
He was, He is, He forever will be.
And He did, and He does and He will do.
Bless the Lord, Oh my soul
And remember all the great things the Lord has done!
Psalm 103.2 MSV