In today's Bible school class this morning we examined four questionable ladies in Mathew’s genealogy of Jesus:
One prostitute
One who dressed as a prostitute and got pregnant by her first customer – her father-in-law
One adulterous neighbor lady who liked to take baths out in the warmth of the afternoon sun
One sweet gal who just happened to be from an enemy people group
I came home, worked with one of our grandchildren on summer school math.
Then had a meeting with the directors of the local orphanage.
As the scorching summer sun let up, teens filled our living room and we opened up to Mark chapter one… a demonized guy, Simon’s feverish mother-in-law, and a man who got touched by Jesus’ outstretch hand.
Tomorrow I pack should for a weekend trip teaching on missions in Monterrey, Mexico.
I have a real weakness for getting ready for trips.
Preparing messages ahead of time is not my strong suit.
Securing my boarding pass is another weak point.
Packing a suitcase and teaching props also tenda to get put off.
You get the idea....
So I ask you to pray for all that stuff, but much more importantly pray that the Spirit of God work during my time in Monterrey.
Ah, yes… Mr Refrigerator took a Sabbath on Sunday morning, and despite visits by some fixer-men, continued to not work on Monday or today Tuesday. Good thing it is only 99 degrees outside, not even 100! It would be nice to get that purring again before I fly out of here.
God’s got this!
We keep eyes on Him, and rejoice.
Again I say rejoice.