Matthew chapter 10 thrills me. And challenges me. It is so chock-full of missions, and it pulls no punches.
Jesus takes all the fun out of missions telling us just how nastily difficult it will be. He pulls no punches, beats around no bushes. I love it.
It’s a hard job He is giving them, to go out into the darkness with the light. His I’m-gonna-build-the-church-upon-the-Rock thing has the forces of Hell waging war against it right from the get-go. Two mighty kingdoms at odds. A major collision.
So, at almost every mention of sending His men out, He mentions authority and power.
Here He gives them, right from verse one, authority over spirits, disease, and affliction.
As I will teach in this morning’s class, He mentions more of the same at the end of Matt’s book—“all authority is given to me, therefore go ye…”—and, in Mark’s Great Commission we hear of signs following—healings and snakes and tongues and poison Kool-Aid and demons.
In Luke 10 Jesus gives authority to tread on serpents and spiders, and over whatever the enemy throws their way.
And in his final chapter Luke gives us his version of Jesus’ Great Commission and then, two verses later (24.49) Jesus adds, “But hold back a bit until the power comes down on you.” [MSV]. My Father promised you.
And Luke gives us these final words of Jesus in Acts 1.8. “You will receive power… and you will be my witnesses.”
I am not one who tries to explain these things away.
I am too simple-minded for that.
I just try to embrace them.