I’m online most mornings, sharing a five-minute message this interesting pandemic season. I encourage fellow believers to trust, not succumb to fear, and definitely not thinking it’s a good time to sit on our haunches, but rather to take advantage of the great opportunity of sharing our faith.
The five minute slot is geared towards Christians, but others give it a listen as well. The other day, a fellow from Porvenir posted a message for me in response to one of my videos.
Miguel wrote: “Marcos, forgive me, Marcos. I was trying to go into the house of God on my horse. I was drunk and all doped up. Forgive me, Marcos, for all the junk I did to you.”
Miguel seems pretty sincere in his plea. On the other hand, there has been COVID in his home and perhaps he was scared he would be dying soon and thought it to his benefit to make sure he had a clean slate with Marcos before going to meet Marcos’ God! I’m not sure.
Either way, it is a great season for sharing Jesus! Thank you for helping us do it!
(No, I do not remember the incident with the horse. It’s not fair keeping a list of who’s-done-what to you. I cannot be effective in encouraging others to seek God’s forgiveness if I’m a grudge holder.)