I imagine his tax collector table as having all the coins neatly stacked, separate piles, every pile in straight, parallel formations, of course. Matthew would carefully have placed the gold over here, the silver next to it, copper coins on the other side, and the bitcoin… hmmm, I am not sure about that.
The way Matthew arranges his book is equally impressive, and easy to grasp. We looked at chapter 5 a couple of days back, today let’s glance at the three sections of chapter seven.
Four things to do
Judge not. 7.1
Ask, seek, knock. 7.7
What you want others to do to you, you do to them. 7.12
Beware. 7.15
Three facts about everyone
Not everyone who says “Lord, Lord” will make it to heaven. 7.21
Everyone who hears and does is building his life upon The Rock. 7.24
Everyone who hears My word but decides to shine Me on (rather than shine Him out) can expect some serious rain on his/her parade. 7.24
The astonishing wrap-up
When He finished, folks were amazed at the authority with which he spoke. 7.28